There’s the right way, there’s the wrong way and there’s the Sicilian way. Summer doesn’t look the same everywhere: if you’re spending it in Sicily with us you should be prepared. Yes we have the sun, the beaches, the parties, but there’s more. Some things are authentic Sicilian trademarks.

Probably the most important is summer food: the season brings some typical dishes and traditional practices; there are a few iconic things any folk around here thinks about when he thinks about Summer, and the ones we’re about to tell you are certainly among them. Ready to eat like a true Sicilian during the hottest weeks of the year?

The mangiata on the beach

If you were writing down a top list of the most important things in Sicily, food would be at the first place. Meals here can be neverending, lunches mostly, and summer makes no exceptions. Even if they’re at the beach, families in Sicily don’t give up a traditional mangiata, a full lunch made of appetizers and main courses. You’ll surely notice it: anywhere else you’d see people eating sandwiches or fruits, Sicilians organize banquets gathering around folding tables on the sand. Pasta, salads, meatballs, nothing’s missing. 

Not that hungry? You can enjoy some typical “summer” street food sold by vendors on the beach. Nothing too light actually: it’s mostly cobs and big hot donuts. Don’t worry, if you’re lucky enough you’ll also have the chance to get some refreshing coconut.

The soup is better served cold

There’s one unique and typical kind of pasta you have to eat if you’re spending your summer in Sicily: it is called Pasta coi Tenerumi, and it’s made only in this part of the world. It’s a soup actually, made with zucchini leafs, a little bit of tomato, and little pieces of pecorino (sheep cheese). We know, on hot summer days you don’t feel like having soup right? Well don’t worry Sicilians let this one cool down before serving it.

Gelo is not Gelato

Sicily is the birthplace of icecream, gelato how they call it around here, but there’s something else that’s sounds almost alike and that you’ll only find here. We’re talking about the less famous but tasteful Gelo. It’s a jelly made with watermelon juice and used to create tasteful cakes and pies, or you can try it au naturel, with a sprinkle of pistachios, little pieces of chocolate and jasmine flowers. 
