When you go on a holiday everything you dream of is to wake up to the sound of the waves, take a look out of the window and see a sandy beach with a clear blue sea waiting for you.
This is exactly the picture we had in mind when we created our selection of villas in Sicily near the beach. There we included a lot of our villas with pool that are actually within a few minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches of the island.
Many of them are in the Western region of Sicily, where on the smallest coast of the island you will find a huge density of beautiful sandy beaches starting from San Vito Lo Capo beach in the Northmost point of the coast. Driving along the coastal road you will be able to discover dozens of unique spots, from the nature reserve of Monte Cofano to the Stagnone, from the beach of Signorino to the well known Macari.
Everytime you discover a new beach you will want to spend there as much time as possible, and you will be able to do so, because you will be staying just a short drive away, and you won’t have to worry about getting home early.